I've spent all day in the library therefore failed to plan anything interesting to post... sorry.. sooooo instead, I'll post a bunch of "inspirational"/nice quotes. Sometimes it's nice to just hear positive things, it's so easy to feel negative about yourself, your appearance, your life, but you'll get through it in the end.
Hope this has made at least one person feel better today... If not then errrrmmm... sorry... here's a picture of a cute pig to cheer you up....
If you don't like pigs then.. here's a picture of a cat and a chick
If you don't like pigs, chick, or kittens then.... I can't help you ...
One of the reasons I started this blog, apart from the fact that I wanted a decent excuse to spend 24 hours on my computer guilt free; was to try and "inspire" (sorry for the cliche') someone. I don't necessarily mean inspire in the obvious sense, just wanted to have some sort of positive affect on someone out there. May as well use the internet for good. It's not nice feeling alone, or feeling that no-one will know what you are going through. So be happy <3